Wednesday, 13 June 2012

5 Things To Do Immediately After Your Blog-Post Goes Live

No matter how good a blogger you might be, or how long you might’ve been in the business, it’s downright frustrating when there’s no traffic. You spend hours creating and crafting the perfect post, doing your research, adding images and spending hours on it, only to find that you’re the only one reading it!

And even after a good amount of time has passed, you wake up in the morning and are able to count the number of visitors on one hand. 

If you want people to read your blog, it is important to let them know that it exists! It is important to spread the word, and while this might be glaringly obvious, a lot of bloggers forget to do it, or lazy in doing so or simply choose to ignore it. 

Writing a good blog post is only half the job, the remaining half is about telling people about it – something which is as important (or arguably, even more) than writing the blog itself.

If you have a checklist of things to do after your blog post goes up, you’ll not only have an idea of the things that you should be doing immediately after posting, it will also allow you to get massive amounts of traffic and readers very easily.

1. Send out an update on all your social networks: this includes Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest and any other social networks you might be a part of. If you’re not on one or any of the social mediums, you’re missing out on probably what is the largest source of traffic after Google!
Post an update on Facebook, Tweet about it, share the link on your G+... the whole shebang.
Use a plugin for the purpose if you want, something like Cliqset which automatically send out an update to all your social media profiles on auto-pilot. In addition, use the popular Wordpress plugin by the name of WP Socializer that put share buttons on your blog, allowing your visitors to share your content easily as well.

2. Submit your post on content sharing websites: I’m talking sites like Digg, Propeller, Mizz, StumbleUpon, Newsvine and ShoutWire. These content-sharing websites exist for the sole purpose of content sharing, sharing blog posts with the world. And the number of bloggers who don’t use these is surprising!
When doing your submission, write catchy titles, try relating your content to a popular buzzword, a popular trend or something happening in the media, or you could even try being controversial. It will increase your chances of a front-page appearance. If your story is good enough, your content gets enough votes and makes it to the mainpage of these sites, your visits and traffic are pretty much guaranteed to go through the roof!

3. Hit those forums: Posting on forums in your niche can be a good idea, especially if you put a link to your blog in your signature. This is as effective a method as commenting and could get you some excellent high-PR backlinks very easily.
The internet’s filled with a ton of active forums where people come together and speak about certain topics with other like-minded folks. Be a part of the community. Share and add some value to these forums. If you do, with the passage of time you will establish yourself as an authority figure on the topic and people will start looking at you as one. This will make it more likely for them to click on that link in your signature, in order to find out what you have to say.
If you’re unaware of any such ‘big’ forums in your niche, try to Google it up, with the query “<your topic> forum” and you’ll probably find a whole bunch of good forums to start posting!

4. Comments: Like forum posts, comments too are a great way to build up some valuable backlinks. Post comments on other blogs in your niche and leave a link to your post or your blog when you do so.
In order to find blogs similar to yours, just do a Google search on the topic, click show options and under that, click blogs. You’ll probably stumble upon a goldmine of blogs that are blogging on exactly what you’ve been blogging on as well.
Read the posts there, leave a comment or two, and above all leave comments that are valuable and add something to the post. AVOID SPAMMING AT ALL COSTS! Not only will spam comments ensure that your posts are never approved, they will almost always guarantee you getting banned from the blog. And don’t forget to link back to your blog by leaving the URL in the ‘website’ field.
Similarly, Youtube offers an excellent ‘related videos’ feature, which lets video bloggers leave the link to their videos on someone else’s video. Imagine having the opportunity to post your link on a video seen by thousands, such as a viral video or someone who has a large number of subscribers!

5. Article Marketing: In addition to all of the above, it is also a good idea to submit your blog post on article sites, especially high-PR sites such as EzineArticles and AssociatedContent. This allows for your content to be published by other in their own blogs, websites or publications (newsletters for instance).
If someone reproduces your content on their own blog/website/publication/anywhere else, he or she is required to accredit the original source, which means link back to you.
If you’ve written a post that is good enough, it could potentially be picked up by blog owners, or newsletter publishers that have thousands of subscribers or visitors, and might even get put up on their front page (as a featured post, for instance). This would give you a LOT of exposure, and a nice traffic spike as well.
In addition, it will also get you that all-important backlink to your website, and Google seems to love backlinks from high-PR sources! Once those backlinks start racking up, it would almost guarantee a healthy ranking for you.

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